Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Hey everyone!!
So you probably remember that "The Cove" won an Oscar for best documentary (check my last post), and I did some more research. I saw that the film follows this Marine Biologist who used to train dolphins. For the movie Flipper, he trained five dolphins caught in the wild. After the movie, dolphins became wildly popular. However, all was NOT well. Though the dolphins seemed happy (what with their permanent smile), they were truly not at all. In fact, one female died in this man's arms. This dolphin did not die a natural death, though; in fact, the captivity plus being trained to do petty tricks made her so insane that she committed a form of suicide by voluntarily closing her blowhole. When she was ABOVE the water. After this man (Ric O'Barry) saw the dolphin (Kathy) die in this gruesome way, he took a different path. He became a fierce advocate of dolphins, and of course, eventually made the documentary.
The main reason I made this post is that I want to talk about captivity in dolphins. Some of you might know of a Killer Whale named Tilly (or Shamu in Seaworld shows) killing his trainer. If not, please check the following link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/09/opinion/09iht-eddesmond.html
Anyways, I do feel horrible for the trainer. Her sister apparently said that the woman had been dreaming of being a trainer since she was young. However, we do have to look at this from a killer whale's point of view, so I made a sort of example. Let's imagine you are happily living wherever you do currently. Suddenly these people you don't know take you from your home, without any proper explanation, pile you into a helicopter, and take you to an odd place. It's like a shabby version of your own house- let's say a little box thing. They dump you in here, perhaps with a few other people who you would not ever get along with. Then the shows. These people bring huge, loud, and sometimes rude crowds around you, and tell you to sit down, stand up, and do a few little tricks for morsels of food. This is like adding insult to the injury. They keep you in this place indefinitely, perhaps for the rest of your life. OR they put you back in your home. This may seem like a nice thing, but it truly is not if you have been in captivity for a long enough time. You forgot how to cook, you are half-blind, and your family has moved on without you. You have become some sort of outsider. This is, in my opinion, what dolphins and orcas feel. The orca might have been violent by nature, or perhaps it was driven insane by the prospect of never being free again.
Please think about these things when you go to Seaworld or any place like that, and PLEASE keep in mind that this is purely my own opinion; I do not mean to offend anyone by this.
Think about it and comment. Thanks!


  1. interesting post...and i agree about the shamu issue!

  2. This post really made me think...
    I think you made the perfect analogy for the captive orcas and dolphins

    Post More! This post is really interesting!
