Sunday, November 15, 2009

Newest Dolphin!

This post is about the newest dolphin species, dubbed the "ugliest" dolphin... I think it's sorta cute, but that's me.
So anyways: It was discovered so recently partly because it has probably been confused with the Irrawaddy Dolphin. It is called the Australian Snubfin dolphin, and was discovered in 2005. It is included in the Orcaella family, along with the Irrawaddy. Most live near Australia, but some have been found near Papua New Guinea. They can be told apart from Irrawaddies because the Snubfins are tri-colored, while their cousins are usually monochromatic, or sometimes have two colors.

The image is an Irrawaddy
lolz it has a hat =)
Below is a link with actual footage of the snubfin! Go check it out!
Image link:

-snoops =)


  1. I agree with you snoops, they ARE cute (kinda).

    but how would people have confused them with Irrawaddies? Aren't Irrawadies river dolphins, and Snubbies oceanic dolphins? Wouldn't the scientists have realized that a dolphin happily swimming in the ocean in its ugly (i mean cute) glory rather than struggling and dying from the saltiness clearly cannot be a river dolphin?

  2. hey escalus! long time no see :)
    so irrawaddies can actually survive in both fresh AND saltwater.
    just to add to the confusion x)
