Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hector's Dolphins

Hector's dolphins are tiny little dolphins, at the very most about five feet long, averaging about 4 feet long. They live around New Zealand, and are quite endangered. One thing you can see that is different about them from other dolphins is that they are the only dolphins that have dorsal fins that are curved at the tip; the fins are almost like semicircles.

Image:; The image shows a breaching Hector's dolphin. Notice the oddly shaped fin.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Your favorite-Bottlenose Dolphins!

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are probably the most commonly known dolphins. They are shown in various films and other forms of media, as they are extremely curious, friendly, and mild-mannered. They usually live in warmer waters.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Stenella frontalis

This post is about a dolphin species which is Stenella frontalis, or the Atlantic Spotted Dolphin. Did you know that when they are young, they are born without spots, but as they get older, the spots keep coming? Also, they are extremely hard to track, unless they have a scar or any other permanent mark, as their spots can keep changing. Some have spots so close together, the dolphins seem to have a large, dark blur on their bodies, and some have distinct spots which are far away from each other.

Image:; The image shows an Atlantic Spotted Dolphin with its solid-colored calf